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Project Outcomes and Impact

Main Outcomes

The IM-POWER project aims to develop a numerical Integrated Model for the POWER output of floating offshore wind farms that are fully grid-connected during sea storms. The main expected outcomes of the project include:

Assessment of floating wind farm power output under storm conditions: (never been attempted before).
Critical information for the optimization, design, and update of power grids: (includingshort-term storage facilities).
Guidelines for the efficient allocation of offshore wind farms

Current Project Status

As of Month 1 (M1), the project is in its initial stages. Here’s an overview of the current status:

Work Packages Progress

Ongoing Activities

• Project Management (WP1): The kick-off activities are underway to adjust the planning and account for any time constraints that may affect the project execution.
• Training and Transfer of Knowledge (WP2): The initial training phase at Uppsala University has begun, including courses and personalized seminars given by the Group of Experts (GoE).
• Development and Implementation (WP3): Preparation for the implementation of new software in the open-source CFD solver is in progress.
• Communication, Dissemination, and Exploitation (WP5): Initial communication efforts have started, including the setup of the project website and social media channels.

Expected Scientific Impact

We anticipate significant scientific contributions in the following areas:

  1. Advancement in CFD tools for simulating FOWTs.
  2. Development of protocols for predicting power output of floating wind farms under various environmental constraints.
  3. Contribution to the understanding of power grid reliability in the context of offshore wind energy.